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Updated: Dec 22, 2022

Physicals and Annual Check Ups services offered in Minneapolis, MN

Driver and employment physicals don’t have to be complicated or uncomfortable, thanks to TruCare Clinic and Urgent Care. The primary care providers offer all types of physicals in their Minneapolis, Minnesota, office. Everyone has different needs and concerns when it comes to their medical care, and the specialists are ready to customize your care in a convenient setting. Call the office (612-345-7175) or book your physical online now.

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What are Physicals and Annual Check Ups Q & A

What are driver and employment physicals?

Driver physicals, also called Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals, are medical exams that verify that you’re healthy enough to drive a commercial vehicle. In addition to commercial drivers, many people with government jobs involving transportation (such as pilots and railroad workers) need driver physicals.

Employment physicals are exams that many people have before they start a new job. This type of exam verifies your physical and mental fitness so your employer can determine whether you can carry out your job duties.

What happens during driver and employment physicals at TruCare Minnesota?

Driver and employment physicals involve:

  • Medical history review

  • Physical exam

  • Drug screening

  • Hearing test

  • Vision test

  • Other specific lab tests

Driver and employment physicals verify that you don’t have any conditions that would exclude you from performing your job duties while also confirming that you’re in overall good health. While driver physicals generally follow a fairly strict path, pre-employment physicals may differ. Depending on the job duties and their company rules, your prospective employer may request only the most basic of physical exams, or they may require a very comprehensive head-to-toe evaluation. TruCare Clinic and Urgent Care can tailor your exam based on those needs. How long are driver and employment physicals valid for? A driver physical is valid for two years from the date of the exam. If something changes with your health, such as a medical crisis requiring hospitalization, you may need another driver physical. Employment physicals are different because they’re generally performed only when applying for a new position. However, some employers may require their current employees to have employment physicals at specific intervals, with a maximum of once a year. How do I prepare for driver and employment physicals? Before your exam, compile information including:

Here’s what you will need:

  • Your driver's license

  • Medical history, including vaccinations

  • Current medications

  • A list of your past and present medical conditions

  • Paperwork from your employer regarding your physical

Before your exam, TruCare Clinic and Urgent Care will let you know if you need to take any other steps to prepare for the test. For example, specific blood tests require you to fast (no food or water) eight hours before the blood draw. TruCare Clinic and Urgent Care makes it easy to get your driver or employment physical, so don’t delay in calling the Trucare office (612-345-7175) or clicking the online scheduling link to set up your exam now.

Where can I get my Department of Transportation (DOT) physical ? TruCare

Where can I get my Department of Transportation (DOT) medical exam? TruCare

Where can I get an Annual Exam? TruCare Minneapolis

Do I need an Annual Physical? TruCare

What is included in a physical exam? What are the 6 components of a physical exam? What is included in a physical exam for a woman? What is a physical exam called?

What is included in an annual physical exam?

Is an annual exam the same as a physical?

Do you take your clothes off for a physical?

How do I prepare for an annual physical?

Does a physical include urine?

An annual physical typically involves an exam by a doctor along with bloodwork or other tests. The annual wellness visit generally doesn't include a physical exam, except to check routine measurements such as height, weight and blood pressure.

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